DATE: Sep 21, 2021
TEAM: Osama Hussain, Yazhen Zhang, Young Kim
a pressure sensor (upper) and a flat sensor (bottom)
We learnt about potentiometers and sensors this week. We received a pressure sensor and a flat sensor.
The story is like this. You entered a bar. You ordered a drink. A strange guy started to talk to you. "First time to come here?" You two had a good conversation for a hour. And the guy is trying to touch you, touch your shoulder and then more intimate. You could feel uncomfortable with his touch. Instead of saying, you can show which is okay or inappropriate.
If it is okay area to touch, the GREEN light turns on. If it is inappropriate area to touch, the RED light turns on. With our product, you can say touching shoulder is okay, but rubbing back is inappropriate. Hey dude, don't touch me like that!